






香水(Perfume)--生活的品味2006/9/9 21:21:00





Perfume… one of the oldest ways to seduce. In former times, fragrance were used only for religious and sacred ceremonies. Today, there are more than 20,000 fragrances on the market, but the mystique and romance of this art form remain unchanged.


The Ancient Egyptians used the earliest perfumes, as part of their religious rituals. Perfumed oils were applied to the skin for either cosmetic to medicinal purposes, and perfumed incense was burned. From there, the practice spread to Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Islamic world. The English word “perfume” comes from the Latin, per fume, or meaning “ through smoke”,  after its origins in incense burning.


The real glory days of perfume were during the 17th century, in France. Perfumed gloves became fashionable among the city’s elite, scents were applied every day to the skin, clothing, fans, and furniture. By the 18th century, eau de Cologne was invented – a mixture of rosemary, bergamot, and lemon that was eaten on sugar cube as mouthwash. Glass bottle were adopted to hold the liquid forms of perfume, and so a contemporary industry was born.


Raw materials for these perfumes included jasmine, rose and orange extracts, and the Province town of Grasses rapidly grew as demand for these products increases; the18th century perfume makers of Grasses sent their fragrances to Paris for trade, and the French capital became the international capital, with perfume houses such as Houbigant, Lubin, Roger and Gallet, and Guerlian all based there.


The next major period for perfume was in the 1930s, and floral fragrances such as Worth’s Je Reviens were established. By the 1950s, designer Christian Dior, Nina Ricci, and Pierre Balmain all established their own important fragrance.


Inspiration for perfume scents has never changed in all these years, and they continue to have either basis an natural elements and smells. The brackish scent of the see, the fragrance of damp earth after a rainfall, or the smell of spring flowers and cut grass are the most evocative stimuli to our senses, and return us to the place we were happiest.


One of the most famous contemporary scents – based on blends of jasmine and rose with sandalwood – is Chanel No.5. The perfume was made by Ernest Beaux for fashion designer Coco Chanel in 1921; Chanle herself would say that women should wear perfume wherever they hope to be kissed. Today, the perfume is one of the most popular in the world., and one bottle is sold somewhere in the world every 30 seconds..


