








2013/6/11 0:17:00


You have the power to improve your brain

Scientists once believed that mental ability was fixed after childhood. But over the last few decades, neuroscientists have discovered that adults’ brains are constantly changing – growing new neurons and connections – in a process known as neuroplasticity. Lumosity takes advantage of the brain’s innate neuroplasticity to help shape it into a more effective, powerful organ.

Instead of teaching specific skills that may only be useful in specific areas, Lumosity targets core cognitive processes that underlie performance in many different areas. These processes include memory, attention and other abilities that are critical in the real world.

Hardy, J. & Scanlon, M., The Science Behind Lumosity. November, 2009.


Lumosity Introduces The Human Cognition Project

Lumosity is uncovering the secrets of brain performance — with a little help from our friends. The Human Cognition Project is a groundbreaking research effort to bring together a network of scientists from 25 of the top neuroscience programs in the world, including Stanford, Berkeley and Harvard. Our goal is to use Lumosity as a platform for learning about cognitive enhancement and brain performance. With the help of these researchers, we are conducting over 3 dozen research projects — both in the lab and virtually — to make the most effective cognitive training programs in the world.

The Human Cognition Project makes it easy for neuroscience researchers to study the questions that advance their research in ways that have not been previously possible. The ease of use and engaging nature of the Lumosity programs means that people enjoy doing the training, making it easy to recruit and retain participants in university-based studies. It also means that the database of users worldwide is growing everyday, giving researchers a new venue for exploring cognition not previously available. With over 25 million members worldwide having played hundreds of millions of games, Lumosity has the largest database of human cognition ever assembled. Researchers are actively exploring this database to understand the determinants of cognitive performance and cognitive enhancement — all in an effort to make the world a smarter place.

The best part of the Human Cognition Project is that it can directly benefit you, through the power of Lumosity cognitive training.

Learn more about the science behind Lumosity here.

posted @ 2013/6/11 0:17:00 myfreemail.lee 阅读全文 | 回复(0) | 引用通告 | 编辑 | 收藏该日志

